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Does my child need to see a pediatric dentist?

Pediatric dentists are specially trained to treat problems particular to children, however most children are treated by general dantists.

Does my child need to see a pediatric dentist?General dentists often have a relationship with the entire family, and therefore have a great deal of famly history knowledge which may apply to your child. The ideal time to bring your child in is after 6 months (after the first tooth erupts). Dental problems often start early, so the sooner the better. These early visits give the dentist the opportunity to see potential problems such as early childhood caries, educate parents on proper oral hygeine for their child, and give the toddler a positive experience in a dental setting. We suggest bringing your child with you to your dental check-up. Have them sit on your lap, or "take a ride in the dental chair" to become familiar with their surroundings. If your child becomes familiar with the dental office at an early age, they are less likely to be fearful as they get older. We typically recommend scheduling recular claenings and check-ups at the age of three. At that age all of the primary teeth are erupted. They will begin losing their teeth at age 5-6. They will usually lose their front teeth first, and will continue to lose baby teeth until age 12 or 13, when all of the permanent teeth finally erupt. Remember, if you have any questions about your child's oral health, feel free to call Dr. Schwartz.

Toddler do's and don'ts: (as recommended by the AGD)

DO: -Take your child to the dentist within six months of the eruption of the first baby tooth, definitely by age 1.
-Follow your dentist's advice regarding nutrition, hygeine routine, flouride, and dental visit schedule.
-Teach your child how to brush around age 3, and brush your teeth with your children to model good technique and spot problems.

DON'T: -Think baby teeth don't matter "because they'll just fall out anyway."
-Allow children to have continual access to a bottle or "sippy cup" filled with anything other than water.
-Give your children the impression that visiting the dentist is unpleasant.

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